GENERIC 551500021 PM Kit DEP. Module, Spears WP45275, Sputter , 20(200007) Bonde

GENERIC 551500021 PM Kit DEP. Module, Spears WP45275, Sputter , 20(200007) Bonde

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SKU :  551500021-Kit

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PM Kit DEP. Module, Spears WP45275, Sputter , 20(200007) Bonded Seal M6, 1 (200010) O-Ring, 365 x 3.5mm, 1 (200013) O-Ring 384 V, 3(201446) O-Ring 281V, 1 (201459) O-Ring 267 V, 2 (201714) O-Ring 280 V, 1 (206673) O-Ring 257 V, 1 (206700) O-Ring 260V

More Information

Part Number 551500021-Kit
Condition New
MFG# 551500021